Thanks so much Simon, this is honestly the first time in years that I've cried laughing.
What a brilliant way to start the week!
I'm definitely sharing this one.
this is important information that everyone should know.
it's pretty funny and not 100% inaccurate.. remember "never put your dick in crazy!"..
let the triggering commence ....
Thanks so much Simon, this is honestly the first time in years that I've cried laughing.
What a brilliant way to start the week!
I'm definitely sharing this one.
in the latest study edition of the washtowel, (july 2019) the minions are being warned, "prepare now for persecution.".
what a coincidence!
the bbc's headline story today states that more than 200 christians have been slaughtered .
In the latest Study Edition of the WashTowel, (July 2019) the minions are being warned, "Prepare Now for Persecution."
What a coincidence! The BBC's headline story today states that more than 200 CHRISTIANS have been slaughtered
and that about 245 million CHRISTIANS face persecution worldwide.
Of course your exalted ones in Warwick will tell you that these people are not real Christians.
J.W.'s: What did the apostle Paul warn people like your 8 king/priests?
Romans 14:4 - "Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls."
i applaud this great and holy man!
do you?.
Idiots like this who indulge in illegal "religious" activism do absolutely nothing to help waken active JW's. They merely reinforce the indoctrinated view of "evil apostates."
so i went to the memorial the other night, there's a kingdom hall on the bus route back from a local college where i was doing some research and admiring the architecture.
i'm in my street clothes, i look nice but i stood out like a sore thumb.
i went in as it started and got a seat in the back.
It seems pretty certain that the elder and M.S. community have been put on 'red alert' to watch out for disruptive apostates.
In other words, every casually dressed male stranger who enters their K.H. could be a troublemaker. Wonderful paranoia for their meetings.
i can just see bethelites all over the world revelling in the songs of this episode of dubtown..
...and the angel on the roof of Bottle Anointed King is called - Angel Delight! :)
And the "baby" of the GB - can't remember his name, and don't care!
saturday, april 20. keep proclaiming the death of the lord, until he comes.—1 cor.
11:26.. regarding the great tribulation just ahead of us, jesus said: “they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
and [jesus] will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together.” (matt.
"....the great tribulation just ahead of us..."
Did you get that JW's?
The self-proclaimed "faithful slave" which multitudes have now recognised as fakes and charlatans, are continuing to dangle their old plastic carrot in front of the donkeys' noses.
Soon, so close, so very near, right in front of us, blah, blah, blah.
Acts 1:7 - If it was none of the apostles' business, then it's even less likely to be any business of the H8ful8 king/priests in Warwick.
i can just see bethelites all over the world revelling in the songs of this episode of dubtown..
I can just see Bethelites all over the world revelling in the songs of this episode of Dubtown.
the talk outline issued the usual warning - only those mentioned in revelation 14:1 are allowed to partake of the bread & wine.. revelation 14:1 - then i saw, and look!
the lamb standing on mount zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his father written on their foreheads.
for active/fading jw's - did your bible reasoning/logic/instincts tell you that the following interpretation makes sense, or did you simply surrender your thinking abilities to others who claimed to be better informed than you?.
The talk outline issued the usual warning - only those mentioned in Revelation 14:1 are allowed to partake of the bread & wine.
Revelation 14:1 - Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
For active/fading JW's - did your Bible reasoning/logic/instincts tell you that the following interpretation makes sense, or did you simply surrender your thinking abilities to others who claimed to be better informed than you?
A figurative lamb is figuratively standing on a figurative mountain, with 144,000 literal king/priests who have had two names figuratively stamped on their foreheads?
4 out of 5 sounds good to you? Imitate the Beroeans.
after a cruise-ship suffers a terrible shipwreck, the famous beauty and actress scarlett johansson finds herself alone on a deserted island.
hours pass, and eventually only one other person makes it to the island to join her - a man.. they didn't know each other before the shipwreck, but he of course knew of her due to her beauty & fame.. at the beginning it was hard, but as time passed, this guy learned how to provide food and shelter and started taking care of her.
she took care of him in return, and eventually she started to really feel a bond with the guy.
After a cruise-ship suffers a terrible shipwreck, the famous beauty and actress Scarlett Johansson finds herself alone on a deserted island. Hours pass, and eventually only one other person makes it to the island to join her - a man.
They didn't know each other before the shipwreck, but he of course knew of her due to her beauty & fame.
At the beginning it was hard, but as time passed, this guy learned how to provide food and shelter and started taking care of her. She took care of him in return, and eventually she started to really feel a bond with the guy. After all, there wasn't anyone else on the island.
He eventually built a cabin, had a functioning automatic potable water supply, and all sorts of little clever commodities, all done to make life easier. One night she threw herself at him and they made passionate love. From that point on, they were for all intents and purposes a couple, and continued their relationship. However, for some reason he started drifting away - something was bothering him, and she noticed. "What's wrong?" Scarlett Johansson asked. "Nothing..." the guy would say, and just walk away.
She pestered him for a while, eventually saying she would do anything he needed or wanted to make him feel good again, because she really cared for him a lot, and even if he wasn't asking, she felt it was the least she could do for him. "Really?, you'll do anything I'd like?"
"Sure," she said, "anything!"
"Ok, first I want you to take off your toga and get into this pair of work jeans that somehow washed up on the shore."
"Now put this shirt on please, but first, "tape"up your boobs so they are flat."
"Wha...? ok, I did say I'd do anything" she said lovingly.
"Now, take this hat and wear it, but tuck your hair under it."
She was kinda confused, but nonetheless, she wanted to make him happy, so she tucked her hair under the hat.
"Now, I'd like for you to grab this piece of soot and paint a beard and moustache on your face."
"Ok... if this is what you want..." she muttered.
"Now, please, put on these sunglasses and start walking down the beach. I'll catch up to you in a bit," he said, getting excited.
She started walking, wondering and doubting herself. She was confused about what had just happened; maybe it wasn't her, maybe it was him?
Suddenly, the guy grabs her by her shoulder, turns her around and says: "Man! you'll never believe who I've been sleeping with for the past 6 months!"
manchester united football club's new "saviour" manager looks to be going down the same road as his recently sacked predecessor jose mourinho by publicly naming a player/s when things continue to go wrong.. deal with it behind closed doors would be my advice to o.g.s.
Manchester United football club's new "saviour" manager looks to be going down the same road as his recently sacked predecessor Jose Mourinho by publicly naming a player/s when things continue to go wrong.
Deal with it behind closed doors would be my advice to O.G.S.